How Much to Fix It?

Information about auto repair and preventive maintenance

Don’t Ignore the Warning Signs

Car repairs can be expensive and the longer you wait to have repairs or maintenance done on your vehicle, the more the bill will probably go up. Some systems in your vehicle work within one another and multiple parts can be affected when something is not working properly. Auto – and financial – experts all agree that although vehicle repairs can be stressful and very costly, they are a necessary and important part of owning a vehicle.

Fox News recently answered a question from a consumer who had a very large repair bill from her dealership. The two underlying pieces of advice are important for all drivers to know:  Repairs are important and should be dealt with in a timely fashion and dealerships may not always be the best place for repairs because they do tend to be more expensive. A trusted auto repair shop may have package services, lower costs, and personal customer service that will keep you coming back for more. To check the best price for auto repairs, Fox News recommends that you first get a detailed estimate for the repairs. Then check the same repair estimates on an online tool like AutoMD or RepairPal and check how much they should cost. Next, discuss the repairs with friends or look online for people who have had similar issues. Independent auto repair shops may have lower labor rates than dealerships and you also may be able to save money on car repairs by using aftermarket parts, depending on the type of parts you need.

Repairs can’t wait. According to Art Jacobsen, vice president of, which publishes an online database of the most common and expensive check-engine-related automotive repairs, the key is to diagnose your car’s problems early: “You’ve got to tackle it; address it when it’s small, before it escalates.”

Preventative vehicle maintenance is also a major factor. If your car’s upkeep is not met, you could see repair bills that run into the thousands. Creating a strong relationship with a trusted mechanic will ensure that you get your services done regularly and at a cost you deserve… and can afford.

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