How Much to Fix It?

Information about auto repair and preventive maintenance

Overpaying for Repairs Ends with the Right Repair Shop

Americans are over-paying for auto repairs for numerous reasons, but the bottom line is that they may not be choosing the right auto repair shop who will give honest recommendations as well as providing the appropriateoverpaying_auto_repair repairs to keep their vehicle running smoothly and safely on the road. It is important to know just how to choose a good mechanic, what questions you should ask and your rights as a consumer. This kind of information can save you from overpaying and avoiding mistakes.

A recent article from Fox Business News discusses personal finance and why too many consumers overpay for their car repairs. Being uneducated, unaware and unsure could be costing you a lot of money. Car trouble doesn’t always mean major repairs, but some repair shops may try to convince you to add on services or repairs that aren’t necessary to make a few extra bucks.

So are you overpaying? People tend to drive their vehicles longer so of course repairs will be required, and while the majority of auto repair shops are not out to rip off consumers, there are some who do in fact take advantage.  A March survey of 2,128 adults for, the San Francisco auto repair website found that 72% of consumers who own or lease a car said how much repairs will cost makes them anxious, while 38% worried that they cannot trust the mechanic. To lessen consumer anxiety, the article recommends that consumers:

  • Read your car owner’s manual and know when and what services are due.
  • Be prepared to discuss potential problems and give details to your technician to keep it from being a guessing game which can lead to more time and more money. The worst thing you can do is discuss a possible mechanical problem without any idea of what’s wrong.
  • Use the Internet to research and compare prices for the same repairs.
  • Get a second opinion for car repairs to see if prices vary.
  • Make the mechanic show you the parts in question to see for yourself their condition.

Consumers should be able to trust their auto repair shop. Our auto technicians will work with you, the consumer, to make sure you understand the demands of your vehicle, the importance of routine maintenance and work to maintain you vehicle, not just fix it. We are a current member of NARPRO as well and have passed 26 tests of honesty and integrity. Contact us today to see how we can help your vehicle run better for longer without overpaying for repairs.


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