Finding a good, honest auto repair shop like Good Works Auto Repair can save you a lot of time, money and stress in the long run. Why? It could help you to avoid auto scams. Auto scams are a popular method for making money off of innocent and unaware consumers. Finding honest auto repair isn’t as difficult as it may seem, though. You can talk to friends and family members about their positive experiences via word of mouth, do some research online or check out the Better Business Bureau. Recommendations and warnings are a must-have before you become a repair scam statistic, too! Even if all you’re doing is routine maintenance, you need to know who you’re working with and what to watch out for.
Some precautions to take when you’re getting your car repaired include, but of course aren’t limited to, things like the written estimate before you authorize repairs. In fact, most states require a repair shop to give a written estimate when that estimate exceeds $100 and must contact you before exceeding the estimate by $10 or 10% whichever is greater. It is also important to know if the repairs are guaranteed and for how long. At Good Works Auto Repair, you’ll enjoy a 3-year and/or 36,000 mile guarantee. You’ll want to check into this repair shop too before automatically selecting them simply for an advertised price. They may advertise something but you’ll need to pay separate fees or add-ons when you actually arrive.
According to a recent article from Fraud Guides, repair problems make up the largest group of consumer complaints. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that consumers lose tens of billions of dollars each year due to faulty or unnecessary car repairs. Wow! Imagine what consumers could do with that money if they didn’t lose it to car repairs! Unethical mechanics are taking advantage of consumers who don’t know much about their cars to make more money and push for unnecessary repairs. Some of the most common scams have to do with finding “additional problems” with the vehicle once work begins or offering deals for things that really don’t need to be done. Specials and deals often hook customers into work that costs a lot and does very little. Other times, a simple oil change and lubrication process can turn into expensive and unneeded repairs.
If you find yourself in this situation, know that you aren’t alone and that there are honest repair shops out there next time. Don’t settle for high prices and low ethics when it comes to repair shops. Auto repair scams are too common, but the more awareness we have, the less they’ll get away with.
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