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Information about auto repair and preventive maintenance

Car Care Starts with Proper Vehicle Maintenance

April is Car Care Month, the perfect time to get your car to a trusted auto repair shop for some preventative vehicle maintenance and routine checks. Monitoring the condition of your vehicle and its parts can save a lot of time and money in the future. In fact, a vehicle properly maintained and kept three years after your payments end will save you $20,000 to $30,000. While financial savings may seem like the biggest advantage for preventative maintenance, you will also save yourself a lot of time, stress, and improve your safety while on the road. Let Car Care Month be the motivation you need to get your vehicle to our auto repair shop.

Caring for your car is an ongoing job. It isn’t just about repairing damage or parts. It is maintaining them so that we don’t have to repair your vehicle so often. Each time we open the hood of your vehicle, we will go through a series of safety checks and monitor the condition of the essential parts of your vehicle. We also offer a service interval schedule so that you can schedule upcoming maintenance and keep your vehicle running safer and smoother.

More and more Americans are keeping their vehicles past the 100,000, 150,000, and even 200,000 mile marks. The United States’ economy continue to put pressure on consumers to keep driving their older vehicles for longer and the key to doing this is certainly proper car care and preventative maintenance services. The average age of a passenger vehicle in the U.S. has increased to about 11 years, according to researchers R.L. Polk. While many drivers try to maintain their vehicles themselves, not everything preventative can be DIY. Cars are just like people. As they age, they require more attention from specialists, especially in the parts most critical to their ongoing survival.

Our trusted repair shop offers a number of preventative services like brakes, batteries, cooling systems and many more. The philosophy behind vehicle servicing and regular maintenance is one of prevention rather than cure. Again, with our service interval schedule, keeping up with proper vehicle maintenance is actually pretty easy. Consumer vehicle neglect has now reached $62 billion in annual unperformed vehicle maintenance in the United States. This Car Care Month, start saving the money you deserve with the auto repair shop you deserve.



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