When you think of car maintenance skills, your thoughts probably turn to your local auto mechanic. You know, that automotive expert you trust to handle all of your vehicle related concerns. While it’s true that your trustworthy mechanic likely does have some pretty awesome talents and abilities, that doesn’t take you off the hook entirely.
As a vehicle owner, there are some basic car maintenance skills you should have in your tool belt. They can help keep you out of trouble or save you additional trouble if you do find yourself in a tight squeeze.
Do You Have These Car Maintenance Skills?
To show you exactly what we mean, let’s take a look at some car maintenance dos and don’ts.
- DO know how to check your oil. If you’re following a regular preventative maintenance schedule, you’ll already be calling your local auto repair shop to schedule an oil change periodically. It doesn’t hurt to know how to check the oil level in the meantime, however, especially if you know you have a leak and you’re waiting for the next available appointment at the shop.
If your vehicle’s oil is low, it’s a good idea to fill it to an appropriate level before driving in order to prevent engine damage.
- DO learn how to check your tire pressure. Extreme variations in temperature can affect your vehicle’s tire pressure. So can small leaks – they may not be big enough to cause a flat tire but can cause your tire to lose air over time.
Over- or underinflated tires can affect gas mileage, driving safety, and tire wear so it’s important to ensure your tires are inflated to the proper level. To find out what that level is, look at the label affixed to the inside panel of the driver’s door for the manufacturer’s recommendations.
- DO check the condition of your tires periodically. For maximum performance, your tires should be in good condition and wearing evenly. They should be free of lumps or bulges and have sufficient tread to ensure driving safety. Checking your tires should be part of your pre-road trip checklist and done at regular intervals throughout the year as well.
- DON’T attempt these repairs on your own – diagnosing engine problems or replacing shock absorbers, a radiator, or timing belt. Although how-to videos on YouTube may make you think you have the car maintenance skills to attempt DIY repairs, these are best left to professionals. That’s because they’re complex, require special tools and knowledge, or would be unsafe to do outside of a properly fitted auto repair shop.
Affordable Auto Repairs and Maintenance In Tempe
Even if you do have the car maintenance skills mentioned above, it’s important to know when to call a mechanic. There are simply some jobs that need to be completed at a reputable auto repair shop by mechanics who have been trained to do the job. Attempting to do repairs for which you are not qualified can sometimes cause further damage to your vehicle, cost you more money in the long run, or even present a safety hazard.
If you’re looking for expert auto repair and maintenance service in Tempe, we invite you to schedule an appointment with us today. Our knowledgeable automotive technicians are committed to your satisfaction, we treat you like family, and you can rest assured that your vehicle is in good hands!
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