Should you Repair your Vehicle or Buy New?
Tweet So, you’ve had your vehicle for a while and now you’ve noticed that you’ve been putting more and more money into it for auto repairs. After a while, this gets very stressful and very annoying. You constantly say that you refuse to put another penny into fixing your vehicle, but then you break down […]
Which auto repairs top the list?
Tweet When you own a vehicle, you know that auto repairs are almost always a given at some point down the line. Hopefully they’ll occur while your vehicle is still under warranty, but many times they do not. Even with proper preventative maintenance, you are still likely to have some minor repairs done at some […]
Avoid Holiday Breakdowns with a Little TLC
Tweet You depend on your vehicle to run safely and smoothly, especially during holiday travel. Yet, without the proper preventative maintenance, your vehicle very well could end up broken down on the side of the road, halting your holiday travel plans and costing you more money than Santa had expected to spend. We hear […]
Don’t Get Auto Repair Scammed!
Tweet As a motorist, you need to be constantly aware. This time, we aren’t talking about avoiding accidents on the road, we’re talking about auto repair scams that could happen to anyone. If you don’t currently have an honest auto repair shop that you can trust, there are a few things we want you to know […]
Relieving the Stress of a Vehicle Recall
Tweet When you have an issue with your vehicle, from check engine lights coming on to major breakdowns, it can be a very stressful thing. You’re wondering how much it is going to cost you, what other problems your auto mechanic will find with your vehicle while they’re in there and how long you’ll be […]
What Makes a Female Friendly Auto Repair Shop?
Tweet There has been a focus lately on finding female friendly auto repair shops, and for good reasons. Historically, auto repair has been solidly in the “man camp” but all of that is changing; female customers make up 60% – 70% of repair shop clients these days. Women today make more than half of […]
5 Tips From a Mechanic
Tweet In any relationship, communication between two people is important, and communication between you and your auto repair shop along with the auto mechanics that work there are no exception. Being able to let your mechanic know what has happened to your vehicle is vital to efficient and practical repair services. You don’t want to spend […]