How Much to Fix It?

Information about auto repair and preventive maintenance

Category: Money Saving Tips

Increase in Cost of Car Ownership Once Again

Tweet Each year, AAA looks at the cost of driving a sedan in the United States and whether or not those costs have increased. Based on things like insurance premiums, automotive maintenance and auto repairs, and even fuel prices, they help drivers to learn the true cost of car ownership and what to expect for […]

Don’t let your brakes break the bank!

Tweet There are many parts of a car that we tend to see people ignore until they break – and then suddenly what could have been inexpensive preventative maintenance is suddenly a major repair that is expensive. Brakes are one of those things that are quick and painless to take care of, but can easily run […]

Why Are Oil Changes So Important?

Tweet If there is one thing we can guarantee in the auto repair business, it’s the simple fact that regular oil changes are the key to vehicle preservation. So why are oil changes important? Motor oil is the lifeblood of your engine, and when it is depleted or full of sludge, you can be sure […]

Keep Your Engine Clean with Air Induction Service

Tweet When is the last time you checked to see how clean your engine was? Is it clogged with dust, debris or gunk? If you’ve never had an air induction service, then it very well could be. Over time, as you drive road after road, your fuel system can get dirty. Deposits accumulate on intake valves, […]

Tips for a Vehicle That is Summer Ready

Tweet Summer is here! We know you must be as excited as we are. If you’re like most people, then you probably have some road trips and exciting travel in your future. But will you be able to rely on your vehicle to get you there safely and easily? Knowing how to prepare your vehicle […]

Invest in Your Car the Right Way

Tweet When you buy a car, you’re making one of the biggest investments of your life, usually second  only to a house. After spending all that money, you want to make sure it lasts and you get your money’s worth, right? Putting thousands of dollars into repairs, maintenance and problems along the way ruins your […]

Safe Driving Starts with Vehicle Maintenance

Tweet There are many safe driving tips out there, and they are excellent to follow, but many drivers don’t realize that safe driving actually starts with the car itself! If a vehicle is not safe, then the driver and those around them are not safe either. In fact, at least five percent of all accidents could […]

Spring Maintenance Brings Summer Fun

Tweet Have you ever planned a road trip or vacation only to be let down by your vehicle? Summer is a popular time to hit the road, but you won’t go very far if your vehicle isn’t ready… even though you may be. You and the kids have been waiting all year to enjoy time […]

Are Cheap Oil Changes Really a Good Deal?

Tweet Hopefully, you all know the importance of a regular oil change in your vehicles. It is one of the easiest, cheapest and most effective preventative maintenance items you can perform on your vehicle. Not only will it help maintain your vehicle for the long haul, it will ensure that your engine is continuously protected […]

Avoiding Repair Scams with a Repair Shop You Trust

Tweet Finding a good, honest auto repair shop like Good Works Auto Repair can save you a lot of time, money and stress in the long run. Why? It could help you to avoid auto scams. Auto scams are a popular method for making money off of innocent and unaware consumers. Finding honest auto repair isn’t as difficult […]