9 Top Tips For Fall Car Care Month
Tweet Living in Arizona, we may not celebrate fall like some people do with leaf peeping and raking leaves. But, we can celebrate Fall Car Care Month! In fact, living in Arizona makes it even more important that we focus on fall car care. Why? Because of the hot summer temperatures our vehicles must endure. While we love living in […]
When Should You Service Your Vehicle?
Tweet As a responsible car owner, you know that keeping your vehicle maintained is important for your own safety as well as that of your passengers and everyone on the road with you. But, do you know exactly when or how often you should service your vehicle? Many people don’t, and that’s when it’s time to talk to your favorite […]
Is Buying a Powertrain Warranty a Smart Decision?
Tweet Auto repairs can be expensive … there’s no doubt about that. That’s why many people choose to buy a safeguard, such as a powertrain warranty, to help prevent high dollar repairs whenever possible. But, is the extra cost associated with that purchase necessary, or even a wise buying decision? Let’s take a look at […]
Heating and Cooling FAQs For Car Owners
Tweet Your vehicle’s heating and cooling systems are important both for your own comfort and for the reliable functioning of your car. There are 3 systems included under this umbrella: A/C system – Helps to keep passengers cool and comfortable. Cooling system – Keeps your vehicle from overheating. Heating system – Provides warmer cabin air temperatures when the outside temperatures […]
5 Signs You’re Due For Tire Replacement
Tweet Buying new tires may not sound like a fun way to spend your money, especially during the holiday season. But, tire replacement could be the best thing you do for yourself, your family, and your vehicle if it means you have something safer to drive. How to know if you need tire replacement Fortunately, knowing whether […]
Front-End Alignment vs. 4-Wheel Alignment FAQs
Tweet As a vehicle owner, it’s good to learn about and understand some of the services that your car will need during its lifetime. You’re probably already familiar with things like oil changes and AC service. But, what about wheel alignments? Do you know the difference between front-end and 4-wheel alignments? When is it necessary to schedule service? […]
Synthetic vs. Conventional Oil – Which is Better?
Tweet It’s normal to want to save money. After all, you’ve worked hard for it. Why spend more than you have to? However, when it comes to car maintenance, saving a few dollars in the present doesn’t always equate to money savings in the future. This is especially true if you skip important preventative maintenance services like […]
6 Overlooked Car Maintenance Services You Can’t Afford to Miss
Tweet Purchasing and maintaining a vehicle is perhaps one of the biggest investments you’ll make in your lifetime. With the right preventative maintenance schedule, however, you can make your vehicle last longer and keep the purchasing part to a minimum. Many vehicle owners fall into a trap, though. Since many of a car’s parts and systems […]
Why Is My Car Overheating & How Do I Fix It?
Tweet Worrying about how to beat the heat in sunny Arizona should be your only concern this summer, not if your engine will overheat as well! When something goes wrong in your vehicle’s cooling system, all components of the engine are running at too high of a temperature. If this happens, parts of the engine […]