How Much to Fix It?

Information about auto repair and preventive maintenance

Category: Preventative Maintenance

Engine Air Filters: What You Need to Know

Tweet Not only do you have air filters in your homes, but you also have them in your vehicles! Changing your air filter regularly helps prolong engine life. That’s because your vehicle’s air filter is designed to trap damaging dirt and debris that can cause internal damage in your engine. Engine damage can occur from […]

Why Are My Brakes Squeaking When I Drive?

Tweet At some point or another, you have probably experienced that annoying sound when you stopped and wondered “Why are my brakes squeaking?” You might be happy to know that this is just a matter of physics. And, it’s very typical, even if you take care of your car like a beloved child. Squeaking brakes […]

How to Get a Fair Price for Auto Repairs

Tweet Do you consider yourself a savvy shopper? Many people do … for things like clothing, appliances, and technology. But, what about getting a fair price for auto repairs? Do you know what it takes to make sure you’re getting the best deal? If not, keep reading! If you’re already a great shopper, congratulations! You […]

Answers to Your Timing Belt FAQs

Tweet If you’re a punctual person, you probably like to be in time for every appointment, event, or function. Guess what? So does your vehicle! That is … its engine likes to be in time. And it can be, thanks to a properly functioning timing belt. What does a timing belt do? Located within your […]

Engine Control Module Frequently Asked Questions

Tweet These days, you’d have to be living in a bubble to not be affected by computers in some way. Even our home appliances are becoming more computerized. And, vehicles certainly aren’t exempt from advancements in technology either. Let’s take a look at the computer that functions as your vehicle’s brain. It’s officially known as […]

Synthetic vs. Conventional – Which Type of Motor Oil Should I Use?

Tweet Almost every vehicle owner knows what an oil change is. Even a first-time car owner, such as a teenager, knows that oil changes are a necessary part of vehicle maintenance. But, many people do not know much about the types of oil available, the benefits of each, and why oil is so critical anyway. […]

Why Won’t My Car Start?

Tweet For your sake, we hope you’re reading this in the comfort of your own home, not on your phone while you’re stranded beside the road. Either way, it’s super frustrating when your car won’t start. You probably have a few questions running through your mind and you’re looking for answers. Let’s see if we […]

Myth-Busting Winter Tires – Do You Really Need Them?

Tweet Many people who live in areas where winter brings snow and ice readily agree that winter tires are an essential part of winter preparedness. Others feel like they’re ready to roll in any weather with their premium all-season tires. Who’s right, anyway? Are winter tires really necessary? Winter tire myths To answer this question, […]

5 Reasons to Take Your European Vehicle to a Specialist For Repairs

Tweet Taking your vehicle to the repair shop for preventative maintenance or needed repairs is a lot like taking a loved one to the doctor.   When it comes to health care, sometimes it feels like there’s a doctor for everything – heart, lungs, ears, you name it. There’s a good reason for this, however. […]

A Vehicle Owner’s Preventative Maintenance Checklist

Tweet Organized people love a list. It helps them get more done, and feel more accomplished when they check something off as being completed.   If you’re a vehicle owner, you should love a list, too … a preventative maintenance checklist. It might not make you feel productive, but it will help you know what […]