How Much to Fix It?

Information about auto repair and preventive maintenance

Safety Comes First When Jumpstarting a Dead Battery

Tweet There is nothing more inconvenient than a dead battery. It will literally strand you without the use of your vehicle, and without the help of either a jump box or another motorist it can lead to a stressful and desperate situation. Although the ultimate goal of jump starting a battery is to get your […]

Common Reasons Your Car Won’t Start

Tweet You’re on your way out the door and as you put the key in the ignition, you realize that your car won’t start. We have all had those thoughts that fill our head with questions and our stomach with pure anxiety. Not only might you be late for wherever you were off to do, […]

Tire Pressure – Check!

Tweet                 The car is loaded, the snacks are packed, you’ve buckled up and are ready to hit the road! Is there anything you forgot to do? The front door is locked, your curling iron is unplugged, you’ve gotten an oil change, but have you checked the inflation […]

Steps to Checking Your Oil

Tweet For both teens and adults, knowing how to check our oil is something we often take for granted. We assume that our vehicle will actually tell us when it needs to be serviced rather than using our own knowledge and preparedness to ensure that our vehicle has enough oil and is running smoothly before […]

Random Acts of Kindness Go a Long Way

Tweet Most people don’t know this, but from February 10-16, it just so happens to be Random Acts of Kindness Week. This week is dedicated to the kind words and actions that we can easily share with others but may not always think about when life gets in the way. The busy hustle and bustle […]

Car Accidents Leading Cause of Teen Deaths

Tweet Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause in teen deaths, but what is the leading cause of these crashes? Inexperience seems to be the most common reason for accidents, but there are many other variables which also cause serious accidents and can cause injury or be fatal for the driver and the passengers. The […]

Paid Your Transmission Any Thought Lately?

Tweet If you drive a truck or haul a heavy trailer frequently, you probably pay attention to your transmission. For the rest of the general population, however, the transmission is often simply “out of sight, out of mind”. Transmissions are one of the hardest working parts of your car, and one of the most expensive […]

National Cut Your Energy Costs Day Brings Financial Relief

Tweet With the New Year in full swing, everyone is trying to get back on the right financial track by paying off those Christmas gifts, bills, and big purchases. Many people make lowering their debt a goal with the fresh start of a new year. Financial savings can come in all shapes and forms, but […]

Resolution Facts of the Matter

Tweet This time of the year, we hear the “R” word being thrown around everywhere. No, not repair but rather “resolution.” The New Year is a time to reflect on the previous year and set goals to make changes or improvements to our lives. But how many of us will actually keep our resolutions for […]

Staying out of a slippery situation

Tweet Hy·dro·plane (Spelled [hahy-druh-pleyn] noun, verb, hy·dro·planed, hy·dro·plan·ing.  Also aquaplane. (of a vehicular tire or vehicle) to ride on a film of water on a wet surface with a resulting decrease in braking and steering effectiveness. Hydroplaning here in the Tempe area and most of Arizona doesn’t necessarily mean excessive water, but a different type […]