Check Those Brakes!
Tweet Brake inspections are one of the more important maintenance items you can perform on your vehicle. Even if you don’t notice anything wrong with your brakes, yearly brake inspections can ensure that all of the components are in good shape or if you’ll need replacing or repairs in the near future. We understand that sometimes […]
Simple Car Maintenance Tips for Summer Road Trips
Tweet Packing up the car and hitting the road is on everyone’s calendar right now. Before you hit the road however, it is important to have your local auto repair shop perform a few basic car maintenance items. Tires Let’s start with the tires that hit the pavement. Bald, slick tires are hazardous on the […]
Car Maintenance Schedules made Easy
Tweet Although most good quality cars are built to last for at least 10 to 16 years, you can prolong the life of your vehicle if you follow a car maintenance schedule. To find out what maintenance and servicing issues you need to address, read your car’s owner’s manual. Though you need to read and follow […]
Pre-Purchase Inspection Means Post-Purchase Confidence
Tweet When you make the decision to buy a used vehicle, you’re making a financial investment no matter how big or small. Whether it is a high-mileage or low-mileage used vehicle, this vehicle has some sort of story behind it. If you’re not looking for surprises or other repairs that come up once the keys […]
Importance of Vehicle Emissions Planning
Tweet When we drive a vehicle, we are giving off emissions into the atmosphere that can really add up and cause damage. How much of our emissions we give off, is monitored by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ). Why? Because we want to make sure our air is safe to breathe, and […]