How Much to Fix It?

Information about auto repair and preventive maintenance

Tag: auto repair in Tempe

Overpaying for Repairs Ends with the Right Repair Shop

Tweet Americans are over-paying for auto repairs for numerous reasons, but the bottom line is that they may not be choosing the right auto repair shop who will give honest recommendations as well as providing the appropriate repairs to keep their vehicle running smoothly and safely on the road. It is important to know just how to […]

Electric Cars in 2014

Tweet It is true that hybrid vehicles have yet to gain the popular vote, instead they have been more of a niche vehicle, owned by few and doubted by many. However, with several luxury automakers releasing hybrid vehicles of their own in 2014, things are about to change.  In fact, 2014 may prove to be […]

Breathing Life into Used Hybrid Batteries

Tweet Most hybrid batteries are designed to last the lifetime of the hybrid vehicle, but that doesn’t mean they will perform like new throughout its lifetime. Many HEV battery packs need to be conditioned or regenerated periodically to prevent them from becoming sluggish or losing fuel efficiency. Hybrid owners often get sticker shock after their […]

Old Tires May be a Ticking Time Bomb

Tweet   Old tires are a serious problem and are often under-reported and lack awareness. It is probably the most serious threat to your life when it comes to your vehicle and to the millions of other drivers world-wide. Even if you are mostly a city-driver who only makes short trips, tire failure can still affect you. […]


Tweet You may ask what your Tempe auto repair shop knows about babies, but it’s September and we’re celebrating Baby Safety Month here too!  When parents bring a new baby into their lives, they are not just receiving a child, they are also accepting full responsibility for all that comes along with such a tiny […]

We Know Hybrids

Tweet If hybrid vehicles have one bad stereotype, it is that they are difficult and expensive to repair. For some drivers, the difference between purchasing a hybrid vehicle and a regular vehicle is the maintenance and care that is involved. Although it is true that hybrids do require some special care, it is still similar […]

Attaining an Eco-Friendly Commute

Tweet May was Eco Driving Month, a month to spend making smart decisions for the environment when it comes to our commute habits. With gas prices continuing to increase and people continuing to move further and further from the workplace, the daily commutes across the nation are forever increasing. Not only do our long commutes […]

Defensive Driving for Experienced Drivers

Tweet After a while, driving becomes like second nature. Experienced drivers often get behind the wheel putting little thought into what they are doing. We roll with the motions, going from point A to point B while running our vehicle as we always do. As we become more comfortable in our vehicles, operating it becomes […]

Does Your Diesel Do Good Work?

Tweet Due to their efficiency and durability, diesel engines have become the standard in powering the nation’s fleet trucks. From buses to bulldozers and boats, the diesel engine has proven its ability to get the job done. Over the years, diesel engine service and diesel repair has become increasingly complex as engines and their components […]

Protect your investment with proper maintenance

Tweet A vehicle is an investment and most people put in a lot of money from the get-go and do not necessarily plan on putting in thousands of dollars down the road on repairs and service. Sure, vehicles will need some TLC which costs money, but the best way to be money smart when it […]