What auto maintenance should you budget for?
Tweet When you own a vehicle, the car payment, insurance premiums and gas costs are not the only things you should consider for your budget. There are some pretty important auto maintenance items that you can expect and need to budget for. In doing so, you’re maintaining your vehicle so that it will last […]
Car Maintenance Schedules made Easy
Tweet Although most good quality cars are built to last for at least 10 to 16 years, you can prolong the life of your vehicle if you follow a car maintenance schedule. To find out what maintenance and servicing issues you need to address, read your car’s owner’s manual. Though you need to read and follow […]
Avoiding the Nightmare of Costly Auto Repairs
Tweet We all know SOMEONE who has had the misfortune of having to pay for major auto repairs. They can suck whatever savings there may be in the bank and then some. Sometimes, expensive auto repairs leave people in credit card debt, other times it leaves them with a vehicle that they cannot afford to […]
Avoid Holiday Breakdowns with a Little TLC
Tweet You depend on your vehicle to run safely and smoothly, especially during holiday travel. Yet, without the proper preventative maintenance, your vehicle very well could end up broken down on the side of the road, halting your holiday travel plans and costing you more money than Santa had expected to spend. We hear […]
Relieving the Stress of a Vehicle Recall
Tweet When you have an issue with your vehicle, from check engine lights coming on to major breakdowns, it can be a very stressful thing. You’re wondering how much it is going to cost you, what other problems your auto mechanic will find with your vehicle while they’re in there and how long you’ll be […]