How Much to Fix It?

Information about auto repair and preventive maintenance

Tag: car mechanic

Staying out of a slippery situation

Tweet Hy·dro·plane (Spelled [hahy-druh-pleyn] noun, verb, hy·dro·planed, hy·dro·plan·ing.  Also aquaplane. (of a vehicular tire or vehicle) to ride on a film of water on a wet surface with a resulting decrease in braking and steering effectiveness. Hydroplaning here in the Tempe area and most of Arizona doesn’t necessarily mean excessive water, but a different type […]

Trusted Auto Repair in the Phoenix Area

Tweet We offer many services, but one that we think you deserve the most here at your trusted Tempe auto repair and Mesa auto repair is as simple as changing your air filter. An air filter is just a small component of the amazing systems which make up your vehicle and keep it running at […]