Protecting Your Vehicle from Harmful Weather
Tweet There’s no way to control Mother Nature or the extreme temperatures or weather that she brings, but when it comes to your vehicle, there are some things you should know in order to prevent some major damage. At our auto repair shop, our customers often come to us with repairs from the weather. Tires, dead batteries and […]
Simple Car Maintenance Tips for Summer Road Trips
Tweet Packing up the car and hitting the road is on everyone’s calendar right now. Before you hit the road however, it is important to have your local auto repair shop perform a few basic car maintenance items. Tires Let’s start with the tires that hit the pavement. Bald, slick tires are hazardous on the […]
Importance of Vehicle Emissions Planning
Tweet When we drive a vehicle, we are giving off emissions into the atmosphere that can really add up and cause damage. How much of our emissions we give off, is monitored by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ). Why? Because we want to make sure our air is safe to breathe, and […]
Help! My Car is Shaking Like Crazy!
Tweet What causes a vehicle to vibrate? Have you ever been driving along and suddenly the steering wheel on your car is vibrating out of control? Almost every driver has experienced some sort of shaky, bumpy or vibrating driving from time to time. Don’t Ignore It Never ignore those shakes and shimmers; they could be […]
Driving Laws for School Zones
Tweet September means football season returns, pumpkin-flavored everything, and kids head back to school. While many districts here in Arizona go to school year round, all of us here at Good Works Auto Repair thought that it would be a good idea to review our State’s traffic laws for busses and school zones. Keeping our […]
No, We Don’t Sell Bigger Steering Wheels
Tweet Have you ever wondered why buses and big rigs have those huge steering wheels, sometimes with the little swivel knob? It’s because it takes a lot more effort and turning of the steering wheel to navigate a simple turn and the larger steering wheel makes the job easier. Maybe your car or pickup is […]
Sink or Swim: Would you Know How to Escape?
Tweet The images are gut-wrenching and the stories are horrifying. A car plunging into water could cause panic in any driver or passenger. And the danger is there for numerous reasons that are beyond any humans’ control. Oklahoma City survivor Kevin Chaney said “I was scared to death…” after he lost control of his car […]