Don’t let your brakes break the bank!
Tweet There are many parts of a car that we tend to see people ignore until they break – and then suddenly what could have been inexpensive preventative maintenance is suddenly a major repair that is expensive. Brakes are one of those things that are quick and painless to take care of, but can easily run […]
Car Care Starts with Proper Vehicle Maintenance
Tweet April is Car Care Month, the perfect time to get your car to a trusted auto repair shop for some preventative vehicle maintenance and routine checks. Monitoring the condition of your vehicle and its parts can save a lot of time and money in the future. In fact, a vehicle properly maintained and kept […]
Safety Comes First When Jumpstarting a Dead Battery
Tweet There is nothing more inconvenient than a dead battery. It will literally strand you without the use of your vehicle, and without the help of either a jump box or another motorist it can lead to a stressful and desperate situation. Although the ultimate goal of jump starting a battery is to get your […]
Staying out of a slippery situation
Tweet Hy·dro·plane (Spelled [hahy-druh-pleyn] noun, verb, hy·dro·planed, hy·dro·plan·ing. Also aquaplane. (of a vehicular tire or vehicle) to ride on a film of water on a wet surface with a resulting decrease in braking and steering effectiveness. Hydroplaning here in the Tempe area and most of Arizona doesn’t necessarily mean excessive water, but a different type […]
Shopping For Green
Tweet In today’s world, it’s not uncommon to hear the term “going green” many times in a short time period. It’s in the media and it often finds its way into our everyday conversations among friends as well. But what exactly does “going green” mean? In simple terms, “going green” means choosing a lifestyle and […]