How Much to Fix It?

Information about auto repair and preventive maintenance

Tag: preventative maintenance

International Current Events Threaten Gas Prices Again

Tweet All around the nation, and according to one website, here in Arizona too, gas prices are being affected by the current events taking place in the Middle East. The unrest in many countries across the world will continue to have a direct effect on the gas prices we are paying and will pay in […]

Cornering and Flying Over Bumps Isn’t Good Driving

Tweet Our vehicles are made to sustain a certain amount of abuse, however excessive hard driving can really bring on the wear in a hurry. Going too fast around corners, a few screeched tires, and a little cramming on the brakes is the normal way a teenager drives, but it shouldn’t be the normal driving […]

Is Your Car Going Shake, Rattle, and Roll?

Tweet The old Model A car certainly didn’t have a smooth ride. In fact when it went down a dirt road there was no way to carry on an understandable conversation with anyone in it. All the jiggles and jounces could be completely unsettling. Vehicles have come so far over the years, from not being […]

Auto Shows and Tea Leaves

Tweet This week’s automotive news centers on the auto shows and what the cars of the future will bring. As we slowly emerge from the economic downturn of the last few years, the automotive industry is finding that the car market has changed. To begin with, it’s a younger market that’s entering the showroom. And […]

We Love Saving You Money!

Tweet With many people out of work, and futures of uncertainty, everyone is looking to save costs wherever possible. That is why it is important to find a reliable auto repair garage that will work within your budget and your automobile’s needs to maintain the health and safety of your car while still keeping money […]

Customer Service is Vehicle Service

Tweet Ask any consumer what they look for most in an auto repair shop and they will tell you – value and service in all aspects of the job. We want quality and competency, while being treated like a valued customer and feeling comfortable during the whole process. Most auto shops will have you drop […]

No More Procrastination!

Tweet We are all guilty of it; putting off our oil change even though the little light on the dashboard is on. It stares us in the face every time we start our vehicle, and we think we can make it another month before we really need to get it changed. The truth is, regularly […]