How Much to Fix It?

Information about auto repair and preventive maintenance

Tag: Tempe auto repair

Drive on sleep, not on caffeine

Tweet Most of us make it through the day and evening with at least one cup of coffee. In fact, among coffee drinkers the average coffee consumption in the United States is 3.1 cups of coffee per day. Per capita men drink approximately 1.9 cups per day, whereas women drink an average of 1.4 cups […]

Random Acts of Kindness Go a Long Way

Tweet Most people don’t know this, but from February 10-16, it just so happens to be Random Acts of Kindness Week. This week is dedicated to the kind words and actions that we can easily share with others but may not always think about when life gets in the way. The busy hustle and bustle […]

Paid Your Transmission Any Thought Lately?

Tweet If you drive a truck or haul a heavy trailer frequently, you probably pay attention to your transmission. For the rest of the general population, however, the transmission is often simply “out of sight, out of mind”. Transmissions are one of the hardest working parts of your car, and one of the most expensive […]

Resolution Facts of the Matter

Tweet This time of the year, we hear the “R” word being thrown around everywhere. No, not repair but rather “resolution.” The New Year is a time to reflect on the previous year and set goals to make changes or improvements to our lives. But how many of us will actually keep our resolutions for […]

Time to hit the road!

Tweet No matter where you live, the holidays always mark the start of a busy driving season. And while we may not have to worry about snow and ice here in Tempe, Arizona, we do need to prepare our vehicles for the many demands we challenge them with by increasing the driving distances we will […]

Quality Auto Repair Starts Here

Tweet From preventative maintenance to serious vehicle repairs, our Tempe auto repair shop offers quality communicative service and advanced technology to give you the very best work that your vehicle deserves. One of our goals is to prevent serious and expensive auto repairs through our regular service interval schedules, but as some drivers in Palm […]

Avoid expensive repairs – Make your differential last longer

Tweet Ever wonder how when your car turns, its outside wheels could turn about five feet further than the inside wheels? How is this possible when they both keep turning? This is the job for something called your differential, and we want to share some tips to keep yours lasting longer. The differential is, in […]

Trusted Auto Repair in the Phoenix Area

Tweet We offer many services, but one that we think you deserve the most here at your trusted Tempe auto repair and Mesa auto repair is as simple as changing your air filter. An air filter is just a small component of the amazing systems which make up your vehicle and keep it running at […]